My story

These are the lies I have created.

As a webdeveloper I'm passionate about developing new and modern websites. I enjoy playing around with HTML, CSS, PHP and even MySQL. Although designing isn’t where my heart lies I try to create unique styles and often work on my own websites just to improve my knowledge of designing and developing.

I'm also a catsitter, which is totaly different than webdeveloping but I love doing it. If you want to know more about my catsitting business go to my company's website.

Personal information

Name: Susan Hoogkamp

Age: 38 years


Location: Dordrecht

Interests: Backstreet Boys, animals

Occupation: Webdeveloper, Catsitter

Freelance: Available

Deep within my soul, I see

Take a look at my latest portfolio.


Deep in my soul you'll find the truth

Hieronder een overzicht van mijn tarieven


Basis website

€ 750 euro

Onbeperkt aantal pagina's (home en contact al ingevuld)

Een responsive ontwerp in eigen huisstijl

Eenmalig uitleg systeem

1 maand ondersteuning

Neem contact op

Uitgebreide website

€ 1250 euro

Alles van Basis, plus...

2 extra modules (bv nieuws, agenda of portfolio)

Extra opties bespreekbaar

2 maanden ondersteuning

Neem contact op


€ 2500 euro

Alles van Basis, plus...

Mollie intergratie

Extra opties bespreekbaar

3 maanden ondersteuning

Neem contact op

in my heart is where you are

For questions and/or comments contact me below


If you have a question or comment you can contact me using one of the following methods or using the contact form. I may not always reply on the social media straight away but shall reply as soon as possible.


* Dit veld is verplicht
What are the chances that we'd end up dancing? Like two in a million, like once in a life

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